
Tight Localisation Guidelines for EV Subsidies, Effective April 2025

New localization guidelines for electric vehicle (EV) subsidies will take effect in April 2025. Due to these requirements, a sizable percentage of the parts and materials used in the production of electric vehicles must come from regional vendors.

Key Points

1. Minimum Localization Requirements: A set percentage of the vehicle’s value must be obtained from locally sourced parts and materials. This figure is likely to rise annually.

2. Supplier Chain Transparency: Manufacturers must offer extensive documentation demonstrating compliance with localization criteria, including supply chain audits.

3.Local Production Incentives: Manufacturers who exceed the localization thresholds may be eligible for additional subsidies or tax incentives.

4. Noncompliance Penalties: Companies that fail to achieve localization standards may risk reduced subsidies or other financial penalties.

5. Support for Local Suppliers: Programs will be created to assist local suppliers, including training and money to help them fulfill the necessary standards.

6. Monitoring and reporting: systems will be put in place on a regular basis to guarantee that localization rules are followed.

7. Impact Assessment: Periodic assessments will be done to assess the success of these laws in stimulating local economies and reducing reliance on foreign imports.


  • Boost Local Economies: Improving local industries and creating jobs in the EV industry.
  • Sustainability: Promoting environmentally sustainable activities by lowering the transportation emissions associated with extensive supply chains.
  • Resilience: Building supply chain resilience in the face of global upheavals.

This program seeks to balance the growth of the EV market with economic benefits for local communities, resulting in a more sustainable and self-sufficient automotive sector.

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